Why Would I Take Part in a Clinical Trial?
If you have not previously participated in a clinical trial and are interested in learning more, this page is designed to provide the information needed to better your understanding of clinical trials.
By being involved in a clinical trial, you are assisting our understanding of effective and safe treatments to improve overall wellbeing and in turn, contributing to the research supporting the use of such treatments.
We Specialise in Safe Trials and Safe Products
Here at RDC we conduct clinical trials according to international and Australian standards and an Australian based Ethics Committee approves all research. We only conduct trials using products either approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) of Australia or otherwise deemed safe to use as a food or cosmetic.
Given that Australia has some of the world’s highest standards for product approval that means our trials are always conducted using products that pose minimal risk to the safety of humans.
Let’s Look at an Example:
So why do we conduct trials at all? We’re looking to work with products to help provide further research on their safe and effective use and gain an overall understanding of any further benefits they can provide to health. We’re currently working with a group of men who wish to increase their exercise performance.
In this trial, over 8 weeks, we are testing a commonly used oral herbal extract, which is already licensed for use in Australia, to see if it has any positive impact on exercise performance and body composition.
Clinical Trials at RDC are About Evidence
That’s the essence of what we do at RDC. We take groups of volunteers through clinical trials designed to enhance their health in some way (and the lives of people with similar issues).
If we can find evidence that a currently available treatment has additional uses, we’re helping our clients provide valuable services to the general public. But we can only do this with the help of the public.
We Need Your Help
Having the help of volunteers to participate in our clinical trials is what enables us to do the work we do. As you can imagine, we are constantly seeking volunteers to be involved.
If you are interested in helping our research or know of someone else who might be able to assist, we would appreciate hearing from you. Why not see if there’s a study you can participate in today?